Why using netinstall iso?
Well... nothing really special behind my choice of source installation medium, but i already download the net install iso and i really don't want to re-download the base system for my debian jessie system.
What's the requirement for making this minimal live system installation?
a working debian system, in my case a debian lenny system
an internet connection
Now, here's the step to create debian jessie live media:
1. Mount netinstall iso
root@lennycom:/# mount -o loop <YOUR-ISO-LOCATION> <YOUR-MOUNT-LOCATION>
in my case, my iso is at /media/Data1/debian-8.4.0-amd64-netinst.iso and my mount location is at /media/unt, so the command is:
root@lennycom:/# mount -o loop /media/Data1/debian-8.4.0-amd64-netinst.iso /media/unt
2. Create new folder and rename it to livemedia-try1. go to the livemedia-try1 folder and create new folder, then rename it to liveimage.
root@lennycom:/# mkdir /media/Data2/livemedia-try1
root@lennycom:/# cd /media/Data2/livemedia-try1
root@lennycom:/media/Data2/livemedia-try1# mkdir liveImage
root@lennycom:/media/Data2/livemedia-try1# mkdir liveImage/live